Safe is the enemy

I know, I know—you were probably wondering if I’d disappeared. I did skip a week, it's true. But I was so sick last week that the only thing I could manage was binge-watching way too much Grey’s Anatomy. Like, an overdose-level binge. But hey, skipping a week means double the inspiration now, right?

➡️ Personal: We have a book! (Almost)

I’ll spare you the details, but the most epic meeting this week was with my publisher and Tim Van Aelst about the book we wrote. Yup, I can finally say it out loud: we wrote a book! —the brochure is making its rounds to bookstores as we speak! So proud of managing this project, powered by my healthy (🤔) dose of discipline and curiosity.

But about this meeting, it was epic for all the wrong reasons. Picture this: I’m juggling my hockey-mom taxi duties while being sick (mask on, tissues everywhere, snot dripping through mask) and attending an online meeting where everyone saw my sick face, but I saw no one because of terrible internet. Pro tip: don’t schedule meetings when you have a fever. Don’t go to hockey training either. And definitely don’t combine both with a meeting.

Anywayzz, promoting a book means I really need to step up, and by December, I should probably have my shit together—and maybe work on a personal website or something. I want a fun and high-quality website—something that reflects everything I do. If only I could hire myself to take a step back and look at it with a fresh perspective—that would be super helpful. 😅 It’s like the gardener with the ugliest garden (or in this case: without a garden). Does anyone know someone who can help the gardener? 🙋‍♀️

➡️ Brandlove : Safe is the enemy of memorable

What I know for sure is that I want some fun in my communication because I truly believe that being bold is essential in marketing. You have to take risks. Otherwise, it’s sooo boring.
Look at this Alexa ad—not boring at all, and really funny.

Please remember:
Safe is the enemy of memorable.
Great marketing should feel dangerous.
Great marketing is worth talking about.
It should make you go 👇
→ "Did they really just do that?"
→ "Are we sure this is an ad?"
→ "HOW did this get approved?"
You can read more about the Alexa-case here!

➡️ Copywriting: Being Creative isn't just for big businesses.

The "Alexa lost her voice" ad was a Super Bowl hit, and we all know how much budget brands pour into those. Now, you think “that’s out of reach for me”? Well, wrong! Thanks to a tip on LinkedIn from Ilse Van Dyck, I recently fell in love with this page: Proof that with just a few bold lines of copy, you can also take a strong position.

I don’t know how many people are on Team “I get orgasms from great copy”, but join my club. Think I’m weird? Okay, it gets worse: I scroll through this page just to feel zen. It’s soooo satisfying.

I mean:

Or this one

Enough about landing pages that are achievable on affordable budgets. Creative ads aren’t just for big businesses either. Take this radio station's playful stunt, for example—a "free air guitar" stand. Simple, bold, and brilliant!

Or this taco stand

A little humor and, more importantly, taking a stand can do wonders. Dare to be something—or someone. And don’t come whining that you’re "for everyone." Make your story exciting. Be remembered.

How? By calling me :-) As a narrative strategist I’ll help you figure out your position in the market and how to tell your story in a way that really connects with your audience. I’m not a copywriter—I’m your strategic partner, helping shape the direction of your brand and business!

➡️ Leadership: Be your own leader

Why do we always talk about leadership in the context of leading a team? We need leadership in our own lives too. If you want to move forward in life, you need to plant your flag. What do you want to achieve? You need a plan, and most importantly... the discipline to execute it.

Why am I saying this? Because I hear so many people say they feel uncomfortable posting on LinkedIn - the best B2B social network - about what they do, or what they need, or what they think. I won’t lie, I’ve been one of those people too. Sometimes all that shouting about what you’re doing is highly annoying. But the truth is, it pays off.

Starbucks founder Howard Shultz one told: “ When you’re surrounded by people who share a collective passion around a common purpose, anything is possible. Identifying your passion us one step, but you must share it, express it, and talk about what motivates you with the collegues, vlients, and other people in your life. Most important, link yourself with others who share your passion!”

So, little resume: Thinking LinkedIn is cringe has nothing to do with the people posting but has everything to do with YOU.

Here’s how you can change that mindset:

💥 Posting on LinkedIn takes discipline – the more you do it, the less cringe it feels. Make it a habit. I’ve even reserved a weekly spot for it in my agenda to keep it consistent.
💥 Keep it authentic – Share the wins, but also the challenges, the setbacks, and the ugly moments.
💥 Build genuine connections, not just surface-level ones. Engage with people, don’t just network.
💥 Forget LinkedIn as just a place to follow people you know – discover creators who inspire and challenge you.
💥 Write to provide value, not just to showcase your latest accomplishment. Your audience wants to learn from you, not just hear about your successes.
💥 But Ingrid, I don’t know what to post! – My advice: Put away the thesaurus and write like you’re having a real conversation.

➡️ Time/Budget Management: There is an AI for that

Just last week, I helped someone set up their personal LinkedIn channel. Why? Because the narrative of your company runs through your personal story. Actually, through the story of your whole team! If you want a successful brand, every team member needs to tell the same story, focused on the company's shared values and vision.

Still don’t know where to start? I recently discovered the website:, a fascinating website that curates a vast collection of AI tools for practically every imaginable task! Whether you need help with content creation, data analysis, automation, or design, … this site has an AI solution for it. 🤯 It’s like a one-stop-shop for discovering how AI can streamline work across different industries, making it easier to find tools that can save you time.

I haven’t worked with it enough myself yet. But maybe that could be the plan for the next time I’m sick—maybe I’ll skip the Grey’s Anatomy marathon then. 😉

➡️ To Read

Binge-watching aside, I’ve started reading again! The beautiful quote from Starbucks' founder you saw earlier came from a book that blew my mind after just one chapter: Talk Like TED – The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds.

I picked it up thinking it would offer tips on how to give a good presentation or keynote. But it goes way deeper than that. It’s all about personal growth (my favorite topic) and how to tell your story with real passion. The author says: “I don’t care about the product as much as I care about why the speaker is fired up about the product or service.” And that’s true: nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm.

See you next week!

x Ingrid